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Sustainability reports of the pewag snow chain group and the pewag industrial chain group

Read the latest pewag group sustainability reports to learn about our latest projects and sustainability actions.

Sustainability Report 2023 – pewag austria GmbH

Sustainability Report 2023 – Schneeketten Beteiligungs Aktiengesellschaft

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SDGs at pewag group

We are committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs).  
At pewag group, we contribute to all 17 SDGs in the areas of environment, social and governance and continuously strive to improve in each area. In particular these SDGs have emerged as the most important areas of our influence: SDG 3 – Good health and well-being, SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation, SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy, SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure, SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production, SDG 13 – Climate action.

No Poverty

  • Fair wages
  • Permanent employment contract
  • Timely payments along the value chain

Zero hunger

  • Fair wages
  • Permanent employment contracts
  • Timely payments along the value chain

Good health and well-being

  • Occupational health and safety in all processes
  • Ensuring well-being in working environment:
  • Support hotline for employees at some locations
  • First aid responders in-house and remotely at some locations (WorkSafe Guardian app)
  • Raising health awareness with health impulses and workshops at some locations
  • Ensuring safety of our products
  • pewag Racing Team
  • Various sports impulses at our sites

Quality education

  • Knowledge transfer through pewag academy courses
  • ISO certified learning (“Learning services outside formal education”)
  • Apprenticeships, mentorships, traineeships

Gender equality

  • Ensuring equal rights, equal opportunities and equal treatment in all business processes
  • pewag group Code of Conduct

Clean water and sanitation

  • Responsible water management:
  • Water is used in production for cooling, but closed loop systems and reusing water ensure minimum water consumption
  • Collecting rainwater
  • Regular monitoring of water quality
  • Avoiding harmful chemicals in production
  • Our products: pewag inox pump chains for wastewater industry

Affordable and clean energy

  • Self-generated energy from renewable sources:
  • Photovoltaic
  • Biomass thermal power plant
  • Hydro power plant
  • LED lighting
  • ISO 50001
  • Energy efficient behaviour

Decent work and economic growth

  • Fair wages
  • Permanent employment contracts
  • Work-life balance by enabling flexible work schedules (part-time employment, working remotely, 4-day work week) at some locations

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

  • Certified processes: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 29990, ISO 45001, LEEA
  • In-house R&D lab for snow chains
  • Cyber security
  • Supply chain resilience through long-term partnerships
  • Automation and digitization processes: in warehouses, logistics, production, offices

Reduced inequalities

  • Providing equal opportunities and equal treatment worldwide
  • Welcoming diversity in teams

Sustainable cities and communities

  • Transition to e-mobility: e-vehicles, e-forklifts, e-charging stations on-site
  • Transition to LED lighting
  • Using surplus from renewable energy production to provide district heating to neighboring apartments
  • Barrier-free premises for people with disabilities, where possible
  • Energy efficient buildings, where possible

Responsible consumption and production

  • Tracking product carbon footprint of our snow chains
  • Taking steps towards circular economy
  • Providing durable and premium products
  • Minimising input resources, researching recycled input materials
  • Providing spare parts and repairs to prolong the lifecycle of our products
  • Recycling at end of product lifecycle (scrap, plastic, wood, cardboard)

Climate action

OUR GOAL: CO2 neutral production by 2030

  • Transition to renewable energies & LED
  • Optimisation of heat treatment in production processes
  • Resource minimization and search for green alternatives
  • Optimisation of transport of our products
  • E-mobility and e-charging stations on-site
  • Energy efficient behavior
  • Tracking impact and progress: ISO 14001, ISO 50001

Life below water

  • Reduction and replacement of plastic in our products and packaging:
  • Versatile portfolio of plastic-free products
  • R&D to replace plastic in products with bioplastic or recycled plastic
  • Prioritise packaging from renewable or regenerative sources (e.g. wooden boxes and palletes, drums, recycled carton)
  • Reusing and repurposing existing packaging
  • Shredded cardboard as an alternative to bubble wrap
  • Supporting innovative underwater projects: “Nemo’s Garden”

Life on land

  • Our products: pewag bluetrack forestry tracks for maximum soil protection and reduction of surface pressure
  • Responsible use of green spaces and preservation of near-natural areas on-site
  • Biodiversity friendly projects: bee meadow on-site in AT, bird feedings on-site in UK

Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • Ensuring compliance and fair business practices
  • pewag group Code of Conduct as a minimum standard internally and along the entire value chain

Partnerships for the goals

  • Responsible value chain by choosing local or regional suppliers and by implementing Code of Conduct for suppliers
  • Partnerships with local universities
  • Bilateral partnerships: Honorary consulate Czech Republic in Austria
  • Partnerships with local communities: Neighborhood app, health donations, sports donations, scholarships, volunteering
Home » about pewag
13.11.2024 | Sustainability

Shaping a Future of Responsibility

At pewag group, sustainability is not just an ambition – it’s a responsibility. Our goal is clear: CO2 neutral production by 2030. In alignment with the Paris Agreement and the EU Climate Law as well as United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, we’ve implemented robust measures aimed at transitioning to renewable energy and preserving resources while creating a safe and inclusive workplace. Sustainability at pewag is a comprehensive approach that covers not only environmental stewardship but also social responsibility and business ethics.

Harnessing Renewable Energy for a Greener Tomorrow
A pivotal part of our sustainability journey is our commitment to self-generated renewable energy. Since 2021, we’ve installed numerous photovoltaic systems and a biomass thermal power plant alongside two existing hydropower plants, generating over 7,754 MWh of clean energy annually. This is equivalent to powering around 2,582 households. In 2023 alone, pewag (group) reduced its carbon footprint by over 4,076 tons – comparable to planting 122,280 trees. These achievements reflect our deep-rooted commitment to take action against climate change and creating lasting environmental impact.

Embracing Social Responsibility and Corporate Ethics
At pewag, sustainability extends beyond environmental efforts. We believe in fostering a safe, inclusive workplace where diversity and equality are valued. Our high ethical standards are upheld through stringent guidelines and a robust code of conduct. These actions promote a fair and transparent corporate culture that drives both economic success and social equity.
A Circular Approach to Business
Our focus on sustainability doesn’t stop with energy. We continually optimise our product quality, and together with providing spare parts and repair services, this significantly extends the product life cycle. We are actively reducing waste and improving product recyclability, essential components of our circular economy strategy. In 2023, 83 % of our 7,474 tons of waste was recycled. Beyond that, we are continuously refining our production processes, advocating for e-mobility, and adopting energy-efficient LED lighting to reduce our energy consumption. Thanks to these efforts, 27 % of pewag’s energy needs were met by renewable sources in 2023.
Responsible Water Management
We also take a proactive approach to water. In our production processes, water is used in a closed-loop system to minimize water consumption and prevent contamination. Our hydropower plants are designed to sustain fish populations, further highlighting our commitment to responsible natural resource management.

Driving Innovation for a Sustainable Future
Through all of these initiatives, pewag (group) strengthens its position as a leader in sustainable industrial practices. Our ongoing efforts are a testament to our unwavering dedication to environmental protection while driving innovation. By embedding sustainability into every link of our chain, we aim to continue optimizing processes and setting new standards in the industry.
Join Us in Building a Stronger Tomorrow
Explore how we are forging a sustainable future, one link at a time. Learn more about our green initiatives and discover the innovative solutions that will shape the world of tomorrow.

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Locations and Partners

pewag combines a robust international presence with trusted partnerships to deliver world-class solutions. Our locations span across continents, ensuring proximity to our customers while maintaining consistent quality and reliability. From production facilities to expert partners, we work hand-in-hand to meet your needs with precision and efficiency. Explore how our global network supports your success!


pewag Australia pty ltd

Head Office
ABN 34 160 899 150
16 Sunset Avenue
Barrack Heights 2528 NSW
+61 2 42 600 200

pewag Australia pty ltd

10 Barrel Way
Western Australia, Canning Vale 6155
+61 02 4260 0200


pewag austria GmbH

Mariazeller Straße 143
8605 Kapfenberg
+43 505011 – 0

pewag Schneeketten GmbH

pewag engineering GmbH

Mariazeller Straße 143
8605 Kapfenberg
+43 505011 – 700

pewag austria GmbH

pewag Schneeketten GmbH

pewag austria Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH


pewag Helevar Comércio e Importação de Produtos Metalúrgicos Ltda.

Av. Francisco Silveira Bittencourt 1359 / Depósito 12
Porto Alegre/RS
55 51 3364-6211


Active Warehouse c/o pewag Traction Chain

12865 175th St. Edmonton, AB. T5V0C2
+1 888 598 0626


pewag Beijing Machinery Company Ltd.

Room 6-704, No. 16 Chenguang East Road
102401 Beijing, Fangshan District
+86 10 8851 6875


pewag Colombia S.A.S

Parque Logístico La Regional bodega 23
200 mts Glorieta Aeropuerto JMC Sajonia Las Palmas Rionegro Antioquia


pewag d.o.o. Hrvatska

Riva Boduli 1
HR-51000 Rijeka
+385 91 4444 999


pewag s.r.o.

51754 Vamberk
výrobní závod – technické řetězy
+420 494 549 199
logistika (expedice)
+420 494 549 106
nákup (dovozy)
+420 494 549 128

pewag Czech s.r.o.

prodejní oddělení – sněhové a technické řetězy
560 02 Česká Třebová
+420 494 549 924

Retezarna Ceska Trebova s.r.o.

výrobní závod – sněhové řetězy, bluetrack
51754 Vamberk
+420 494 549 116

pewag nemovitosti s.r.o.

Smetanovo nábřeží 934
51754 Vamberk
+420 494 549 986


pewag Nordic Oy

P.O. Box 2
32201 Loimaa
35 8400162725


pewag france S.A.S

44, rue de SOYOUZ
87280 Limoges
+33 (0)9 72 535 600


pewag Deutschland GmbH

Otto-Brenner-Straße 4
59425 Unna
+49 2303 98 1 31-86

pewag Schneeketten Deutschland GmbH

Otto-Brenner-Straße 4
59425 Unna
+49 2303 98 1 31-88


pewag India Private Limited

Floor, No. 2398 , 14th Cross, E block, Sahakaranagar
560092 Bangalore
+91 80 43021861


pewag italia s.r.l.

Via Pescone 9
23867 Suello
+39 / 3403996909


pewag Mexico S.A. de C.V.

Insurgentes Sur Nr. 753 – 4D Colonia Nápoles,
Delegación Benito Juárez, México, D.F. C.P. 03810
+52 55 5574 1640


pewag nederland B.V.

De Maessloot 5
2231 PX Rijnsburg
+31 252 34 09 28


pewag Norway AS

Elveveien 25
3262 Larvik
+47 41205201


pewag Polska Sp.z o.o.

pewag polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Przedsiębiorców 8
43-392 Międzyrzecze Dolne
+48 33 81 04 555


pewag Portugal- Comércio de Produtos e Equipamentos Industriais, Ldª

pewag Portugal
Comércio de Produtos e Equipamentos Industriais, Ldª
R. Francisco Canas nº. 23 – fração BC, A-das-Lebres
2660-500 Santo Antão do Tojal, Loures
+351 962 924 118


pewag romania S.R.L.

Calea Surii Mici nr. 68
RO-550137 Sibiu
+40 369 101 138

Russian Federation

OOO Певаг

Волгоградский проспект, 2
этаж 3, пом. I, ком. 8
109316 Москва
+7 495 221 17 42


pewag slovakia s.r.o.

Fraňa Kráľa 112/2
972 71 Nováky
+421 46 542 63 48

South Africa

pewag chain south africa (Pty) Ltd.

1 Edenburg Manor, 51 Stiglingh Road
2191 Rivonia
+27 760 752 993


pewag sweden AB

Rossaredsvägen 96
SE-434 97 Kungsbacka
+46(0)300-711 00


pewag Suisse AG



вул. Кульпарківська 93
79021 м. Львів
+38 (067) 3293837

United Kingdom

pewag Forestry UK Ltd

1 Tatton Court, Kingsland Grange
WA1 4RR Warrington

pewag UK Ltd

1 Tatton Court, Kingsland Grange
WA1 4RR Warrington

United States of America

pewag Inc

600 W. Crossroads Parkway
IL 60440 Bolingbrook
+1 800 526 3924 (Toll Free)
+1 630 226 6020 (Secondary Phone)

pewag Industrial Lifting – Expidors Houston – Housten, TX

pewag Traction Chain – Pueblo, CO

pewag Traction Chain Inc.
190 Greenhorn Drive Pueblo, CO 81004
+1 800 445 2895
+1 719 623 5700

pewag Traction Chain – Rocklin, CA

3825 Cincinnati Ave. Suite Dr. Rocklin, CA. Suite D
+1 800 445 2895
+1 916 408 0413

pewag Traction Chain, Enders & Associates

2535 N. Hayden Island Dr. Portland, OR. 97217
+1 800 445 2895

pewag Traction Chain, Devine Intermodal

1185 S. Rock Blvd. Reno, NV. 89502
+1 800 445 2895

pewag Traction Chain, Elite Denver

5303 N. Havana St. Suite 140; Denver, CO 80238
+1 800 445 2895


Knowledge For You.

What You Learn

Discover cutting-edge products and the advanced technologies that drive their performance, quality, and durability! At pewag academy, we equip customers, partners, and employees with expert knowledge on installation, safety inspections, and maintenance. We offer valuable insights into key topics like sustainability, cybersecurity, and more. Join us to explore how these innovations are shaping the future and elevate your expertise!

Interactive & Engaging

pewag academy offers a wide range of exciting courses available in both e-learning and blended learning formats. Our experts use a dynamic mix of multimedia teaching methods and innovative didactics to create a truly lasting learning experience. From e-learning to immersive virtual reality, our courses deliver specialized knowledge in an engaging and interactive way. Ready to explore and learn more?

ISO Certified

We ensure the highest quality of teaching materials, validated through our ISO 29993 certification for learning services outside formal education. This certification guarantees that our courses meet international standards for excellence and effectiveness. You can trust that our programs are designed to provide valuable, practical knowledge that enhances both professional and personal development.

pewag Learning Nuggets

Learning nuggets are short, appealing and interactive knowledge ‘bites’ that ensure better knowledge retention and are also more fun. Click below for a taste of new learning experience!

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How You Benefit From The pewag academy

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Ready to Shape the Future With Us?

Welcome To pewag

As one of the world’s oldest chain manufacturers, pewag is synonymous with quality and durability. For over 500 years, we have combined traditional craftsmanship with advanced technology to provide premium solutions to global industries, while living up to our corporate responsibility towards people and environment.

Empowering People

We believe that international collaboration drives innovation, and that empowered individuals are at its heart. As part of our team, you will thrive in a global environment where your ideas are valued, and you will have the support to shape the future.









production sites

Your Benefits

pewag Academy

Work-Life Balance

Flexible Working Hours

Company Events

Free Parking Lot

Sport Offers


*Benefits can vary depending on the location.

*Benefits can vary depending on the location.

Forge Your Career In An International Environment

We offer exciting career opportunities in various fields, including engineering, manufacturing, sales, finance, IT, marketing, logistics and administration. Join us to work in a dynamic, innovative environment where you can grow and contribute to world-leading chain technologies.

“When I’m at the Ed Sheeran concert with 70,000 people and see our hoist chains in use, that’s a cool feeling.”

– Matthias Miesebner • Head of Sales Hoist Chains • Kapfenberg

“Every day is different, the tasks are varied, and the collegiality is impressive, in Graz and globally.”

– Reghard Van Niekerk • Product Manager Snow Chains • Graz

“I am excited about the organization of international shipping, from document creation to handling 20-ton containers.”

Manuela Schatz • Customer Service Manager • Kapfenberg

“I have been working at pewag for 21 years. We bring together individual parts to create a top-quality chain. I am proud of what we achieve together.”

Claudia Lachin-Dolzer • Production Worker • Brückl

“I work like a ‘detective’ and take initiative to understand the significance of a number. It’s a great feeling when you can reveal connections.”

Dmitry Kuybida • Junior Group Controller • Klagenfurt

“I’m responsible for the photovoltaic system and the construction of our new hydropower plant in Brückl. This way, I actively shape progress.”

Christoph Götzhaber • Technical Head of Maintenance • Brückl

Working At pewag 

At pewag, people drive our success. We nurture collaboration, and build lasting trust within our teams and with our customers.

How To Start At pewag


We are always on the lookout for talented individuals who want to share their passion with us. Whether you’re seeking a new professional challenge or starting your career journey, we have a range of opportunities. Check out our current job listings and see if there’s an exciting opportunity waiting for you.

Join our Team!

If you are ready for a new chapter, have a look at our current job openings and send us your application. We look forward to getting in touch with you.


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Home » about pewag
09.10.2024 | Working at pewag

Join pewag and shape the future

At pewag, we believe that innovation and craftsmanship are the cornerstones of success. With over 500 years of experience in creating world-class industrial solutions, we have built a legacy that blends tradition with cutting-edge technology. Now, we’re looking for passionate individuals to join our team and be part of this exciting journey.

Why Work at pewag?
When you join pewag, you are not just taking a job – you are building a career with a company that values growth, innovation, and long-term stability. We pride ourselves on fostering an environment where creativity is encouraged, and your unique talents can thrive. Whether you are an engineer, technician, or professional in marketing, sales, or management, pewag offers opportunities for everyone to grow and develop within a global leader in industrial solutions.

Connect Your Talent with Our Legacy
At pewag, we are more than just a company – we are a community of innovators, problem-solvers, and skilled craftsmen. We offer a dynamic workplace where your skills are not only valued but also developed. Our commitment to continuous learning ensures that you have access to training and development programs, helping you advance your career at every stage. From engineering breakthroughs to sustainable manufacturing practices, your contributions will make a real impact.

Innovation Meets Career Growth
Our team at pewag is constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. We merge centuries-old craftsmanship with the latest technological advancements to create durable, reliable products that serve industries worldwide. If you’re ready to innovate, collaborate, and contribute to solutions that shape the future, pewag is the place for you.

Explore Career Opportunities at pewag
We are committed to offering a supportive and empowering work environment. At pewag, you’ll find a culture that values diversity, inclusion, and excellence. Whether you are starting your career or seeking new challenges, pewag provides a platform for you to reach your full potential.
Ready to take the next step in your career?

Explore our current job openings and see how you can contribute to a legacy of innovation and excellence. Join us at pewag, where your skills can make a lasting difference.

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Home » about pewag
26.09.2024 | Innovation

Innovation at pewag

At pewag, our innovative spirit is driven by a deep understanding of our heritage. For over five centuries, we’ve led the industry in cutting-edge solutions, seamlessly blending tradition with advanced technology. Today, our innovations are setting new standards, making us a global leader in industrial strength, sustainability, and performance.

Pioneering the Next Generation of Industrial Solutions

Innovation at pewag is more than just a commitment – it’s embedded in every product we design. Our latest achievement, the pewag D.line lifting shackles, is a prime example. These lifting shackles are engineered to withstand extreme conditions, with capacities reaching up to 1,500 tonnes. Whether in offshore oil platforms or heavy industry environments, these innovations provide superior strength and reliability, ensuring optimal performance even in the most challenging scenarios.

Further advancements in our bluetracks product line highlight our focus on improving durability and longevity. By employing state-of-the-art robot welding technology, we’ve significantly enhanced the side support of our tracks. This improvement provides better grip, wear resistance, and overall durability – key for forestry, construction, and other heavy-duty applications.

Sustainability at the Core of Innovation
At pewag, sustainability is not an afterthought; it’s a central focus in our development process. One example is the peTAG software solution, which enhances the lifecycle management of our lifting equipment. This digital innovation not only improves operational efficiency but also minimizes resource waste by ensuring optimized use of our products.
Additionally, pewag employs robotic welding technologies and automation solutions in our production processes, significantly reducing energy consumption and emissions. Our advanced systems allow us to deliver products with higher precision and durability, while also aligning with our commitment to environmental responsibility.

These innovations are just two examples of how pewag is working towards a more sustainable future, aligning with our commitment to reducing our environmental footprint.
Additionally, pewag’s adoption of photovoltaic technology at our facilities furthers our dedication to sustainability. These solar energy systems significantly lower carbon emissions, while producing energy that powers a large portion of our operations, helping us stay on track to meet our carbon-neutral goals by 2030​.

Tradition and Innovation: Building the Future Together
At pewag, innovation is built on a foundation of tradition. For centuries, we’ve forged ahead, evolving with the times while staying true to our roots. Our products not only deliver exceptional performance but also represent the future of industrial solutions – solutions that are stronger, more efficient, and more sustainable than ever before.

Discover the Future of Innovation at pewag
Explore the latest advancements at pewag and see how our heritage continues to inspire groundbreaking solutions. From pioneering lifting technology to eco-conscious manufacturing processes, pewag is committed to crafting the future – one link at a time.

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Built to Last. Here to Stay.

Innovative since 1479

At pewag, we honor our rich history while committing ourselves to a future of safety, reliability and innovation. For over 500 years, we have provided our customers with world-class chain solutions that are both strong and sustainable. Our expertise combines traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology to ensure our products exceed the demands of a changing world.

Committed to Quality

We empower our customers around the globe to move people and goods with confidence and safety. In industries that demand the highest standards of performance, safety and efficiency, we are a trusted partner. Through our commitment to green energy and continuous innovation, we create forward-thinking, lasting value.

We Are Part Of pewag group 

From a modest 15th-century forge, we have evolved into a forward-thinking global group. Our goal is carbon-neutral production by 2030. The pewag group supports over 15 multinational brands, providing a solid foundation and shared values for employees and stakeholders. With more than 50 locations on five continents, we form a global network of specialists, partners, and suppliers, strengthened by external experts in science, research, and development. 

Corporate Values


Leading the Way to a Sustainable Future.

Our Commitment to Carbon Neutral Production and Beyond

For us at pewag and the entire pewag group, sustainability is not just an ambition or a trend, it’s a responsibility. Since our beginnings in the 15th century, we have evolved into a global leader committed to achieving carbon-neutral production by 2030, in line with the Paris Agreement and EU Climate Law. Our initiatives include renewable energy, resource conservation, social responsibility and ethical business practices. From generating clean energy and recycling the vast majority of our waste (83% by 2023) to promoting health, safety and good working conditions throughout our value chain, we are pushing sustainable development.

Our Sustainability Mission

Discover how pewag group integrates environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles into every aspect of our business. From strategic planning to daily operations, learn how we’re making a difference and setting new standards in sustainable chain manufacturing.

Our Progress Shown In Our Sustainability Reports

Transparency is key to our success. Explore our in-depth sustainability reports that document our journey, challenges and achievements. Gain insight into our efforts across both the pewag traction and forestry chain group and the pewag industrial chain group.

Our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We don’t just talk about change, we make it happen. Discover our contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through innovative projects and initiatives.

Facts & Figures

Recycling 83% of our waste

Powering our sites with more than 15 photovoltaic plants, along with biomass and hydroelectric plants

Reduced our Carbon Footprint by over 4076 tons – equivalent to planting 122,280 trees

Reduced CO2 emissions by 35%*

Source: Sustainability reports of pewag traction and forestry chain group and pewag industrial chain group 2023.
*In 2023, thanks to renewable energy. Including direct and indirect emissions (scope 1 and 2), excluding emissions from our value chain (scope 3).